Amazing, Confusing, Awesome

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Amazing, Confusing, Awesome

Postby Don Schaeffer » Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:42 pm
Observing the living creatures in my mud puddle,
I am forced to ask, what kind of life is this?
Do they have experiences? They have only one cell.
How do they use the stuff of their single cell
to create useful organelles? Is it like the manipulation
of the chemistry of water?
Diatoms are bits of living jell with the ingredients
to make nutrients out of sunlight.
They glide gracefully through the water.
They mysteriously reproduce within the confines of their glass armor,
getting smaller and smaller as they do.
I have no words to express my wonder.
Omnia Vanitas
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Don Schaeffer
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Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
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