Microannalid in Algae

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Microannalid in Algae

Postby Don Schaeffer » Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:52 pm

I picked up small samples of algae from the very bottom of the aquarium and floating at the surface. I was surprised to find that my worms were coming back. Months ago, I was beset by a family of worms (microannalids--small cousins of earthworms). They seem to be coming back into my microscopic life. They are about 2/3 of a millimeter in length and therefore can be seen with the naked eye if you look carefully. I made pictures of the worm, the diatoms, plentiful in the algae, and the inevitable protists, flaggelates, and smaller denizens of the biome.
Omnia Vanitas
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Don Schaeffer
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