Voices of Israel Anthology

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Voices of Israel Anthology

Postby Don Schaeffer » Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:28 pm

My poem "Geography of Far Away" will be published in this year's "Voices of Israel Anthology."

Geography of Far Away
Everything is about love.
We can only pretend it isn't.
The world is so strange that we
are all lost in it, coming and going away
over unpaved pathways without routes
to places in mists that we dream about or
run from, terrors without names,
cold visits, over before they begin, or
endless paring away of time, large
chunks of vacuums. The world is senseless
to a degree way beyond our theories.
Love is the location
that brings tears but doesn't hurt.
Omnia Vanitas
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Don Schaeffer
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Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
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