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Protecting Our Constitutional Rights (Here and Now)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:05 am
by allen itz
Protecting Our Constitutional Rights

Me – “protecting our constitutional rights”

Me – “visit Sierra Blanca and other diversions”

David Ray Vance – “III. [Cartography]

Me – “the eve before the eve before the morning”

Me – “the rules of wax and wane”

Ivy Alvarez – “to a daughter born 1974” “a memory of breasts” “the second heart”

Me – “just a little, just once”

Me – “red embrace”

David Waltner-Toews – “The Next Ten Years” “Homestead”

Me – “hobos”

Me – “in a Mexican courtyard, 1959”

Reginald Gibbons – “In cold spring air”

Me - “gray day”

Me – “it’s just not normal’

Octavio Paz – “On the Wing (2)”

Me – “this is not a Valentine Day poem”

All this and more at: