Let Us Consider the Random Occurrencce of Good & Bad Poems

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Let Us Consider the Random Occurrencce of Good & Bad Poems

Postby allen itz » Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:19 pm

Let Us Consider the Random Occurrence of Good and Bad Poems

All Me

“let us consider the random occurrence of good and bad poems”

“beachcomber” (painting series)

“nude” (painting series)

“no good story here” (painting series)

“the future as foretold” (painting series)

“two young girls” (painting series)

“blues brothers” (painting series)

“fella with big ears and a brown hat” (painting series)

“queen of the sophomoric” (painting series)

“street stories” (painting series)

“the long nights of a second-rate fighter” (painting series)

“the rapture (or, be careful what you pray for” (painting series)

“Sunday Services” (painting series)

“the night the creatures came out to play their night creature games” (painting series)

“star”(painting series)

“Sunday at the beach” (painting series)

“the grim faced man” (painting series)

All this and more at:
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allen itz
Posts: 65
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:57 pm
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