This forum is for announcements concerning the IBPC (INTERBOARD POETRY COMPETITION) and the ARCHIVE of past IBPC results.


Postby M » Fri Aug 04, 2023 7:39 pm

Dear All -- after reading Kenny's thoughts that the IBPC may be defunct, I tried to find some information which would prove or disprove the theory. I wrote to the only address I could find for the IBPC more than two weeks ago, and have yet to receive any response to my inquires. However, neither did the e-mail bounce back to me as undeliverable. I also went to the IBPC site and saw that nothing has been updated since 2022. So, I have to conclude that the IBPC is no longer operational, but that they did not disable or remove the e-mail address. I think that there may be lots of mail in it, but no one is reading it.

Given all that, I made the decision that Wild Poetry Forum will no longer be participating in the IBPC, at least until there are signs of life there. I'll not be sending any submissions for this month (August) and beyond. However, I'll continue to check on the site status for any updating that may occur. If something changes, then we'll review whether we want to be involved in the IBPC or not.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the IBPC over the many years that it was operational. This includes those who nominated poems, those who gave permission for their poems to be sent, those who received recognition in the competition, and those who cheered on the authors of the poems that were sent. In other words, thank you to everyone.

If someone knows something beyond what I've outlined here, or knows that the competition is still in operation, please do let me know. The IBPC had a good run, and we're sorry to see it end.

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Re: About the IBPC -- PLEASE READ

Postby beachdreamer » Wed Sep 06, 2023 12:23 pm

Well, that kinda sucks. I liked the IBPC. Hope it phoenixes.
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Re: About the IBPC -- PLEASE READ

Postby MidnightMoon » Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:34 pm

For me, it's a big loss!
Who writes your name in letters of smoke among the stars of the south?/N More smiling, less worrying/Sadhguru I fly like the bird above all the bullshit/Tash You're an Outsider. Embrace that./D You're beautiful rebels in a mesmerizing world of riddles/N
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Re: About the IBPC -- PLEASE READ

Postby M » Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:49 pm

Sorry about the state of the IBPC, folks. I feel its loss too, since we've been participating for so many years. I still do wonder why I received no reply to my email, nor did I receive any indication from anyone on the IBPC Board that they intended to cancel it. You'd think they would have sent a note around to all the administrators of the participating boards with news of the closure. In my opinion, just ending it with no notification, explanation, or thanks was in poor taste.

Again, if anyone hears anything about the IBPC that is more than just rumor, please do let me know.

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Re: About the IBPC -- PLEASE READ

Postby kenny » Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:57 am

Thanks M!

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