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Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 32927
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Saturday, January 17, 2009 - 11:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dearest All – I thought I would take a few moments to explain the automated e-mail notifications that are generated by Wild for those who don’t understand these options or have questions about them, or problems with them.

On your WPF profile, you will see an area dedicated to E-mail notification. Within that section, you may request which boards here at Wild (ESSENTIAL OILS, CREATIVE VISUALIZATION, etc.) that you wish to receive automated e-mail notification about as a whole, as well as additional e-mail notification settings that pertain only to your own posts and/or replies to your own posts.

Automated e-mail notification is a sticky wicket. You can't do it halfway. If you check the boxes on your profile asking for automated e-mail in any of those categories – either on specific boards, on your posts, or on replies to your posts -- the system will send one for every post made on a board or every thread in which you’ve posted. It's like a light switch without a dimmer -– it’s either all on or all off.

Discus doesn't have options to allow selective e-mail notices or to shut those notices off for only selected threads. So, our advice is to only check the boxes next to those options for which you are certain you wish to receive mail, whether that be a specific board, or your own posts or replies.

If too much automated mail is being delivered to you, just uncheck the box(es) on your profile for automated e-mail notification in whatever categories are becoming annoying to you. You can also totally ignore the mail, deleting them without reading them from your inbox. And finally, if your e-mail program allows, you can create a special folder for Wild mail in your mail program and set up a filter that delivers all Wild automated mail into that folder. You can then review that folder at your own convenience without having all the mail piling up in your main inbox.

We realize that turning off all e-mail notification isn't an optimal solution, but it does reduce the aggravation if you are getting too much mail. E-mail notification is an option, not a requirement. You can always come directly to Wild to check on what posts have been made to boards and/or threads you are specifically interested in. You will just not be notified when posts are made, that’s all.

I'm afraid that's the best we can do. If anyone has further questions about this, please let us know.

M (Administrator)