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Rus Bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 438
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 7:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags

We begin this week with the new Children's Poet Laureate of Wales. Our next link is to an article about the next poet laureate of Great Britain, which could be a woman (finally). And our third is about the poet laureate of the United States. Dozens of stories later, we end with the obituary of America's poet laureate of the hymn. In between, we have other laureates and potential laureates, some history to go with the conjecture, some great finds, remarkable assertions, and poetry.

Enjoy the links.


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