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Russell D. Daily
Username: russelld

Post Number: 57
Registered: 12-2007
Posted on Thursday, January 03, 2008 - 11:04 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

I am very appreciative of this site and all the good suggestions I have received about my poems. My question is; if I use the suggestions offered here is there a problem with my owning the poem one hundred percent. For those who know please advise.
How you react to what I say and do is not about me but all about you.
Ron. Lavalette
Intermediate Member
Username: dellfarmer

Post Number: 555
Registered: 05-2007
Posted on Thursday, January 03, 2008 - 11:50 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

I don't think it's an issue.

For what it's worth, you can print this off and file it:

Russell P. Daily is hereby released by me to copy, keep, publish and/or destroy any and all changes, suggestions, hints, alterations or sundry other mutilations I have either expressly or implicitly applied to his original work. Anyone who says otherwise is itchin for a fight. Neener neener neener.
...................Ron. Lavalette

Serously, dude: it's a workshop. Not to slight your talent, but the market in stolen poetry is pretty small.

Maybe after you win the Nobel, somebody might say, "Y'know, he got that phrase from me," but only because they'll be wanting a ride on your famous coat-tails. Until then, I wouldn't worry.

It never hurts to say, "Thanks. I think I'll use that," though, just in case. That way, they can't say they weren't warned.
Eggs Over Tokyo
Gary Blankenship
Username: garydawg

Post Number: 21216
Registered: 07-2001
Posted on Thursday, January 03, 2008 - 11:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

It is your poem even if every word but one changed, even if all you do is add punc or caps.

When you agree to the workshop rules, you agree to let the originator own everything he/she takes for revision.

And given that most of us will not make even a nickel out our work. Teresa and a v few others the exception.


Russell D. Daily
Username: russelld

Post Number: 61
Registered: 12-2007
Posted on Thursday, January 03, 2008 - 12:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Hey, thanks for the response. Wasn't sure so I thought I'd ask.
How you react to what I say and do is not about me but all about you.
Fred Longworth
Senior Member
Username: sandiegopoet

Post Number: 2921
Registered: 05-2006
Posted on Thursday, January 03, 2008 - 1:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

When people offer suggestion on my poems, I often subdivide the poem into "my words" and "their words" and later when I've sold the poem to Paris Review or similar for big bucks, I pro-rate their share of the poem according to the letter weight of their contribution.


Unofficial Forum Pariah
recent victim of alien abduction
Gary Blankenship
Username: garydawg

Post Number: 21217
Registered: 07-2001
Posted on Thursday, January 03, 2008 - 1:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Derf, you owe me half pence...

