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Rus Bowden
Valued Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 242
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 - 7:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

Good news! It's May 1st. One good thing about this is the flurry of poetry and insights into poetry that the newspapers ended Poetry Month with. And I can't say National Poetry Month, because Sarah Crown is doing it in England. Check her articles out in Great Regulars. She is also starting a Friday poetry reading at The Guardian's books blog.

I decided to make the entire Washington Post celebration, that links to several great articles, our headliner. But don't stop there, keep going. We have love stories and love poetry in season, and much much more in our bouquet. Happy May Day.

The results from Bryan Appleyard's first month as IBPC judge came in this past week, and most of you on the forums know that congratulations go to Bernard Henrie of The Writer's Block for his first place poem Winterset. Second place goes to May Lincoln Communes with the Dead by Ellen Kombiyil of Blueline. And third is the sonnet Bird Caller by Daniel Barlow of The Maelstrom. I also want to point out that two of the honorable mentions came from Mosaic Musings, their first poems ever on the winners list: Drought by Jan Iwaszkiewicz and Masked Artwork by Elizabeth DiBenedetto. Way to go! Speaking of new ways to go, what many on the forums may not know is that Bryan Appleyard not only commented on the top three poems--but his selection process and the HMs as well. He's given us his gold, and About Poetry has displayed this in splendid fashion here: Winners chosen in the April InterBoard Poetry Competition.

Thanks for being here.


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Username: michaelv

Post Number: 488
Registered: 11-2003
Posted on Tuesday, May 08, 2007 - 2:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Rus, before you post the next issue in a few hours:

I wanted to let you know what a grand issue this one was/is.
Good way to make the transition - the end of NPM into a new month of PPiR.

"Flurry" - Yes, indeed - sounds alot like my myriad of activities
this NPM, which are overlapping into May - like this issue.

I had just happened upon & read Patti Smlth's poem "Tara"
in the New Yorker - delighted that you included it.

Thanks for your issues this NPM, and thru-out the years.

perennially yours   :-)

Michael (MV)