Server Update Info: The why's for the... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Wild Poetry Forum » ~NATUROPATHY~ (Library Forum) » WPF Administration / System Topics » Server Update Info: The why's for the switch « Previous Next »

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steve williams
Board Administrator
Username: twobyfour

Post Number: 1038
Registered: 05-2005
Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 5:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

I guess we weren't very clear on all the reasons for switching servers.

the last straw, was the recent i.p. change last month without notice or support. Also, our older server was more expensive and limited us to 800 megs of memory.

the new server is cheaper, (6.95 a month), gives us 30 (they upped this from 15) gigs of space, (40 times more), and has more features on the site. They also seem much more interested in actually providing support.

as a result we won't be limiting pictures from being uploaded at all, and instead of deleting old posts, we will archive the entire board on a monthly basis. We may purge really old stuff later (we're talking several years).

We also noticed that our old server would periodically slow down or go off line completely on a sporadic basis, hopefully we won't have that problem now.

a couple of features we'll be looking at installing are a blog for admin and the ability to vote and poll on a given issue.

anyhow, M gave another overview a week or so ago, so wanted to jump in here and do an update.

hopefully, everything is going better now, but if not, pls let us know

