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michael julius sottak
Advanced Member
Username: julius

Post Number: 2236
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 10:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

.... a must see movie! the title may not appeal to some poets, but it is an accurate account of world history for the last 30 years. it will blow you away. the dialogue is brilliant.

it is a trek through all the S- holes in the world during this time frame. i was in a lot of these places and i can assure you these are accurate depictions... this film claims to be factual... but i was looking up (in rank) not down...met many of the sorts depicted... it confirmed all my suspicions of what was really going on... the narrator is at the top looking down.

now after you watch this, think about what just happened in this place named after our first president yesterday...

Dane, speak to me brother
i feel sold out
Username: dane

Post Number: 1567
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 11:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Michael --I will definitely see this one. As for being sold out, probably true. However, got this in an e-mail recently and it sums the present thinking of many in a funny / sad kind of way:

A man walks into a bar and notices President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld sitting at a table and sharing drinks. He walks over and tells them what an honor it is to meet them and asks what brings them to the bar.

Bush says he and Rumsfeld are discussing the start of WW III and how they are going to kill 140 million Muslims and one blonde with big hooters.

"A blonde with big hooters? What's that all about?" Asks the man.

Bush turns to Rumsfeld and says, “See, I told you nobody would care about the Muslims.”


Anyway, yes, not in my name and all that. Personally, I would show more concern if she was a red head. Just kidding. I am still trying to get the hang of that PC thing going around these days. Not sure if I will ever get it right. Then again, I'm minimally exceptional, per George Carlin. *smile*

Username: dane

Post Number: 1568
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 - 8:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post


And if the message in the pass along above wasn’t clear enough, here’s one that speaks volumes about the world’s opinion of America. Sad but true, methinks:


Two families moved from Afghanistan to America. When they arrived, the two fathers made a bet -- in a year's time whichever family had become more Americanized would win.

A year later they met. The first man said, "My son is playing baseball, I had McDonald's for breakfast and I'm on my way to pick up a case of Bud, how about you?"

The second man replied, "Fuck you, towel head."
michael julius sottak
Advanced Member
Username: julius

Post Number: 2245
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Friday, February 24, 2006 - 6:29 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

you know this...
after sailing all through the bayous for a year you hear every comment comming over channel 16 from Aransas to Biloxi some nights... and you know very well the attitude 20 years ago toward Vietnamese shrimpers... how it has changed so much... mostly we just laugh because they won't answer the radio nowadays... but i'm listening one night and this old cajun says "get outta my way or i'll kick your ass, just like we did in Nam."
laughter over the radio....
"you los muddafucka, you losss!"
fact is though, we've learned to get along with them.
As it was in Viet Nam, as now it is, the power brokers, working the edges of ignorance, like trying to scrape up old linoleum, and stirring up hatred to keep the profits of war going.
Our greatest enemy is power, money and greed...
and i know goddamn well i don't have to tell you,
of all people, that.

I've spent most of my time in combat environments in the middle east... we just need to leave those people alone... we are not going to change a thing. How is our three hundred year history ...
(tho that's arguable because we are a nation founded on the downtrodden of centuries, who had the heart and balls to do something about their situation-- our forefathers) ...going to change people that haven't evolved for centuries?
we won't.

(I am most anxious to hear your opinion of Lord of War.... and Farenhiet 911 as well..........
just feel like george is selling us down the river my friend and it's time to fire up the spirit of how, through our mutt heritage, we are here!)
M. Kathryn Black
Senior Member
Username: kathryn

Post Number: 3065
Registered: 09-2002
Posted on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 4:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Julius, I saw Lord of War about a week or so ago and own Fahrenheit 9/11. I like movies that tell the truth or at least as close as one can come to it in this "crazy mixed up world". I loved the ending when Nick Cage's character tells the guy who caught him that a high placed U.S. Officer will call him out to tell him to be let go and it happens. You know the scene. Cage plays the arms dealer perfectly. Take care!
Best, Kathryn, trying to hold on to an island of sanity.