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rus bowden
Valued Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 191
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 4:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Fans,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

After reading David Ignatius's "Breaking The Assassins" in The Washington Post, I went digging for an English-language version of the open letter from the great Syrian poet Adonis, which his article refers to. He didn't know of one, a friend having translated for him "on the fly." After a couple days, several web searches, and several more e-mails to other friends and contacts, I found our headliner in a final successful Google search. David Ignatius's article makes for excellent reading following Adonis's letter. So there are our first two clicks this week. He said today that he will enjoy being read by poets, his readers usually "more . . . prosaic". How astute and poetic of him.

I found our third article at our friend Frank Wilson's Books Inq. By distinguished Harvard professor Niall Ferguson, it is a counter to Harold Pinter's Nobel acceptance speech, which we began with last week. And here begins a list of distinguished professors contributing to the discussion of poetry on the web this week, including: Yale's Harold Bloom, Columbia's Gustavo Perez-Firmat, Harvard's Louis Menand, Boston University's Robert Pinsky, all in our first section, plus our good friend David Kirby of FSU (and NYT) is back in our (distinguished) Great Regulars section. If ever an issue of Poetry & Poets in Rags could be called "required reading," it's this one, a veritable on-line mega-seminar. Folks, we are all going to school this week. Click in for attendance.


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