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rus bowden
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Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 87
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Tuesday, January 04, 2005 - 5:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Hello Poetry Fans,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

It's a new year, and, no matter how last year was for you personally, your friends and family, and for the world as a whole, I am wishing you all the best for 2005. Many of you know that I flatlined by heart attack over a year ago in December 2003. And I was joking this past week with poet Doug Seavey at Moontown Cafe that I had made a deal, my death for the death of better poets than I am. 2004 brought about many poets' deaths. My vantage point is to make a notch in the imaginary post next to me for an extra year, the first time I've ever really felt that about a year's passing, that I survived an entire improbable year. The year went on with many people dying in Iraq. And the year ends with a tsunami. Someone said that there is no hope, only committed action. But in at least that, from whomever and however much, there is hope. Otherwise, we couldn't be alive, none of us.

This edition of P&P in Rags hits this new year's spot. We begin with the two articles announcing two more poets' deaths, the second containing a whole poem. That second article begins a series of seven articles in a row, each with at least one poem, remarkable poetry. I thought it right to come out of such poetry reading with two articles on the tsunami, one with a poem, and one without but by a poet. In the final three articles, we'll maintain a world view to a degree, and move outside it on the backpage, with an item on metaphor.


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