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Rus Bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 592
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 - 6:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags blog

The blog posts of the Poetry & Poets in Rags links for this week begin with five black and white photos in a row. The reason? It is the week of unearthing. Federico Garcia Lorca's body is about to be exhumed, if he's where they think he is, where a stone plinth is near a lone olive tree. In Australia, they are relooking at Breaker Morant's court martial, most likely to pardon him. "Shoot straight, you bastards," he said to the firing squad. A poem is now attributed to Dorothy Parker, the only one about her heartbreaking relationship with Charles MacArthur. "How like me, to put all my eggs into one bastard," she said. Sixteen unpublished poems by Rabindranath Tagore have come to light, as has a hundred-year-old poem by feminist Alison Uttley. Caroline Alexander brings us new insights into the reading of Iliad. Richard Moore brings us to when science and poetry mingled. And to round out our look into the past, you can look forward to an article about the futurist Naphtali Imber. There are more than these in News at Eleven, and yet more excellent articles in Great Regulars, which is why they're great regulars. Check out the poetry, but also, for instance, note how E. Ethelbert Miller and Fatima Bhutto differ on Obama receiving the Nobel.

In IBPC news, we welcome new judge Majid Naficy! He kicks off the autumn season with results for October. Congrats to Anna Yin of PenShells for her 1st place poem "Rain", Walter Schwinn of Mosaic Musings for his 2nd place poem "Forbidden Lullaby"..., Mandy Pannett of The Write Idea for her 3rd place poem "Without salt", and Christopher T. George of FreeWrights Peer Review for his HM "Bills and Yet More Bills".

Thanks for surfing in.


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(Message edited by rusbowden on October 20, 2009)