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Rus Bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 589
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, October 06, 2009 - 7:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags blog

As always, the news in poetry happens in and comes from around the globe. We begin this week just 25 miles from here in Massachusetts. Iranian dissident Ala Khaki spoke to a group of Roxbury Latin students about the crime of writing poetry under the Shah. We also have Stefan Eklund talking to reporters about Thursday's upcoming Nobel announcement, Carol Ann Duffy speaking to Lorna Bradbury, Sam Hamill conversing with Rick Brown by e-mail, Robert Kelly speaking with John Yau, David Levi Strauss, and Phong Bui, and Robert Bly speaking at Willey Hall. And that's just in News at Eleven. Be sure to check out the Poetic Obituaries this week. And in the Great Regulars section, we have some superb commentary and poetry brought to us by our Great Regulars.

Speaking of which, George Szirtes' September 2009 results, for the InterBoard Poetry Community are in and up. Please enjoy both the poetry and his commentary: Winning Poems for September 2009. And congrats to the poets: Judy Swann of The Waters, Laurie Byro of Desert Moon Review, Sarah Sloat also of Desert Moon Review, Matt Moseman of conjunction, Sergio Ortiz of Wild Poetry Forum, Allen M. Weber of FreeWrights Peer Review, Divina of criticalpoet.org, and Margaret Hemme also of The Waters.

And this completes George Szirtes' three-month summer stint as IBPC judge. A remarkable one too. Lots of warm thanks going out to him. Judges become important parts of the InterBoard Poetry Community.

Thanks for surfing through.


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