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Rus Bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 578
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 - 6:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags blog

We begin this week's series of links, headlining with six articles on the extension of Aung San Suu Kyi's house arrest, which will take her out of next year's election in Burma. That country is presently ruled by an illegal military junta headed by Than Shwe, a junta which imprisoned Suu Kyi after she was duly elected and which arrogated rule for themselves. The six links are not only informative, but three of them are to web pages where you can take e-mail action: (1) to countries which are not yet supporting the arms embargo against the junta; (2) to Than Shwe to release Suu Kyi immediately; and (3) to sign a petition to the UN to condemn the cruelty directed against Suu Kyi and to investigate the regime for crimes against humanity. Here is that post at the blog, from which you can click to trigger action: News at Eleven: The European Parliamentary Caucus on Burma (EPCB). We have lots more to read, books reviewed, poets profiled, and some sterling poetry in Great Regulars.

It is time to announce the winners of July's InterBoard Community Competition, this month judged by the remarkable poet and translator George Szirtes. Congratulations to the poets and the boards where they workshopped the poems!:

1st Place: by Christopher T. George of The Writers Block: The Day the Egrets Came Calling
2nd Place (tie): by Guy Kettelhack of About Poetry Forum: Nothing to Discuss
2nd Place (tie): by Bernard Henrie of The Writers Block: I am Dying Afghanistan
Honorable Mention: by Marc-André Germain of Mosaic Musings: At a Mall in Bangkok
Honorable Mention: by Sylvia Evelyn Maclagan of Mosaic Musings: Bereavement
Honorable Mention: by Laurie Byro of Desert Moon Review: Der Busant
Honorable Mention: by Brian Edwards of The Poets' Graves: Old Women Farming Rice
Honorable Mention: by Richard Stillman of The Poets' Graves: Offertory Red
Honorable Mention: by Jonathan Muggleston of The Town: on phil jackson’s tenth championship
Honorable Mention: by Sachi Nag of The Writers Block: The Rebuttal
Honorable Mention: by Kathleen Vibbert of Wild Poetry Forum: Stephanie

Each one of those poems is accompanied by George Szirtes commentary. (Thanks very much, George!)


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