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Rus Bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 554
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, May 05, 2009 - 9:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags blog

Some of you will remember a few years ago when there were just the eleven links each week, before Great Regulars, and before the Poetic Obituaries section came to be. So that U.A. Fanthorpe's death this week would be one of the eleven, and only one link would be supplied. This week, we have three in Poetic Obituaries plus one in Great Regulars as Hillel Italie wrote a story on her.

However, back then, when a theme would present itself, a special section would be in order. This week, with Carol Ann Duffy becoming the poet laureate of the UK, we lead off with a sort of special section of eleven links to select items about Duffy and the laureateship, including poems by her, poems she likes, poems to her, a photo slideshow, interviews with her, articles by her and about her. I think you'll enjoy them.

Also in the news is that poet Craig Arnold is still missing. I found a comprehensive story on this at ABC News, plus an update on how the search is going.

IBPC has a new springtime judge, Duncan Mercredi. A few days ago, his results for the April competition were announced. Congratulations to Emily Brink, who workshops at The Writers Block for her winning poem "Czamy Polewka (Black Soup)". Coming in second is Steve Meador's poem "The Day the Caterpillars Came" workshopped at FreeWrights Peer Review. And in third is "A Rush of Clouds" by Laurel K. Dodge also of The Writers Block. Duncan also selected three honorable mentions: "After AIDS" by Shawn Nacona Stroud of Desert Moon Review; "Baseball Season" by Andrew Dufresne of Wild Poetry Forum; and "Red Romance Dancing" by Allen Fogel of SplashHall Poetry & Art.

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