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Rus Bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 531
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 4:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags

It's an extraordinary phenomenon, the outpouring of very fine articles following the passing of John Updike. We lead off with six links to The Guardian, all at our headliner spot, the first to an Updike poem, the last to the fabulous John Updike links page set up to articles throughout the site. Next, comes a selection of ten links, all to items with works or quotes from Updike, the first three to poetry. Third spot in News at Eleven, has links to four articles that are about Updike and writing. Like last week, because his name is alphabetically last, we end Poetic Obituaries with four links to articles about his life, whether personal or professional. In between News at Eleven and Poetic Obituaries, come our Great Regulars. Six of them have articles for us on Updike: Jeffrey Brown (2), John Mark Eberhart, John Freeman, Charles McGrath, Max Ross, and David Ulin. That's 31 John Updike links this week, a remarkable selection, all worth checking out.

I'd better let you get to your reading. I'll leave most to your discovery, and ask again that you click through not to miss important news hidden between Updike links. But please note our Back Page article, the eleventh spot in News at Eleven. There is a petition for you to look over.

Another article in News at Eleven is Wendy Cope's call for the termination of the poet laureate position in the UK. I disagree with her. If Simon Armitage, Carol Ann Duffy, Roger McGough, or one of several others who are talked about, decides to take the spot when offered, then the position should be there for that poet to fulfill. It may be that Wendy Cope would have a tough time fulfilling the position, but that does not mean Simon Armitage would not be great for it.


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