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Rus Bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 446
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 - 6:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags

BBC has created a remarkable reporters' memorial, out of respect for all our slain journalists. I will let you discover what this commemoration entails, but will note here that James Fenton, a poet and former war correspondent, was commissioned to write a poem for this event. We can watch the video of this from our headlining entry in News at Eleven, and read the poem in James Fenton's spot in our Great Regulars section. But we can also read in Poetic Obituaries of the poet and one of the murdered BBC reporters prompting this event, Abdul Samad Rohani.

Our News at Eleven section is filled with penetrating discussions of poets and poetry, and much of this has to do with our ears for poetry, whether we don't understand what a poet is doing, and so falsely convict her, or whether someone has an ear at all for writing poetry; but we also look at what some superb poets either listen for or conceptualize. There's more to this week's first section than that abstract, of course; for instance a couple stories look at places where poetic creativity is catching on.

In Great Regulars, we have the final article from Frieda Hughes at The Times. Once a Great Regular, always one, so I will continue to look for her articles online for you, wherever they may be.

Lots more in Great Regulars. Father's Day is celebrated by Fleda Brown, Mary Karr, E. Ethelbert Miller, Carol Rumens, and by the young poets of The Philadelphia Inquirer's "Your Poems" series. Also, both Bob Hoover and Frank Wilson take a look at the great American poet Mark Doty.


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