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Board Administrator
Username: admin

Post Number: 20020
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008 - 12:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Tomorrow night, 5/4/08 at 8 p.m. wild will change IP numbers to a dedicated IP. We may be out of service until early Monday morning sometime. Currently we share an IP address with other websites.

It seems that one of those other websites we share a computer with has been spamming ATT and has been blacklisted. Because of that, all websites that share their IP number are blacklisted as well.

So, we are switching out to solve the problem. This will also allow those members who can't access the site to return to us. :-)

Your wild bookmarks should continue to work fine unless your bookmark has the actual ip number in it . In other words, if it says '' you should be fine.

Thanks to all for your patience while we resolve this. Our sincerest thanks to Jim, husband of Angela (one of our members who was locked out), for his help in finding the solution to this problem.

tristan watts
Username: cementcoveredcherries

Post Number: 67
Registered: 04-2008
Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008 - 12:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Wow! Blacklisted how 1960's.
Glad to hear that Wild is getting its own ip address.
Tristan Watts

"You will hardly know who I am or what I mean" ~ Walt Whitman
LJ Cohen
Username: ljc

Post Number: 9329
Registered: 07-2002
Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008 - 1:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Wow--I'm so glad you figured out the problem. I know you must have been tearing your hair out trying to troubleshoot this.

How frustrating. Was bluehost helpful in sorting this out??

Once in a Blue Muse Blog
Gary Blankenship
Username: garydawg

Post Number: 23549
Registered: 07-2001
Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008 - 2:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Wonderful there is a solution.

And Lisa, great words over there in the poetry forum discussion...

However, the negative never listen.


Celebrate Walt with Gary:

Kathy Paupore
Username: kathy

Post Number: 8581
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008 - 3:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Great News! I'll miss us while we're down, but I'll survive.

Hopefully, a speedy transition.

You're invited to:

Wild Flowers

Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat.--Robert Frost
Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 29742
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008 - 5:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Tearing our hair out would be an understatement. Poor steve has been thinking up and testing out so many different theories all this week, we've lost count. All of them leading nowhere. We are most grateful to Jim who tested things with us on his end which finally led to the solution. As to whether bluehost was helpful, Lisa, I think that depends on how you define "helpful." If helpful means saying, "Duh, we don't know," every time we asked a question, then I guess, yes, they were helpful. At least when steve finally approached them with the solution, they did agree to move us to our own dedicated IP. For an additional $2.50 a month, that is. *LOL*

brenda morisse
Advanced Member
Username: moritric

Post Number: 1719
Registered: 04-2007
Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008 - 5:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dearest hermana, We're moving? What should I pack? Where's my new room?
love, love,

P.S. I'm so relieved that the problem will be resolved.

(Message edited by moritric on May 03, 2008)
LJ Cohen
Username: ljc

Post Number: 9330
Registered: 07-2002
Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008 - 8:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

M--does Wild need any additional moola to pay for her own server?? Let me know.

Once in a Blue Muse Blog
Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 29745
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008 - 8:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dearest borrachita -- the only thing you will require is your pleasant feet massager. We will provide everything else. Though I should warn you that we will provide everything else only if you let me use the pleasant feet massager. I really need to put it on my head. This problem (as well as a few other things this week) has given me a terrible headache. Do you think if I turn the pleasant feet massager upside down it will turn into a pleasant head massager? Oh well -- I can only try. Your room is down the hall, third door on the left. No, wait a minute -- that's the second door. The third door is the one to hell. Don't open that! I already did and I got nothing but a headache.

Dearest Lisa -- no, the additional $2.50 a month will not break us. I only laugh about it because if I had known that was how little it cost to avoid all these problems, theories, tests, etc., etc., I would have gladly paid them double that. Even triple. But don't tell them that. *LOL*

Arunansu Banerjee
Intermediate Member
Username: arunansu

Post Number: 303
Registered: 11-2007
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 1:19 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear All,
I wish I shall be getting connected to the website after change of IP.I remained cut off from Wild for 4-5 days, informed Steve, and came to know two other members are facing the same problem. See what luck has in store for me!

(Message edited by Arunansu on May 04, 2008)
Valued Member
Username: splintergroup

Post Number: 255
Registered: 11-2003
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 7:03 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Would yall mind if I was just Cajun/Italian listed instead?
Warning: this poetry will not conform to your expectations and the poet isn't going to either.
Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 29746
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 7:14 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dearest Aru -- thank you for all your patience throughout this ordeal. Yes, we are keeping our fingers crossed that the new dedicated IP will solve all these problems. And keep people from being locked out in the future. We appreciate your presence here and missed you will you were gone. Please rest assured we will do everything within our power to make sure this is fixed and prevent it from happening again.

Deared Alan -- oh, we have a special category just for you. Though polite company prevents me from saying exactly what it is. *LOL* Just teasing. We'll be happy to list you as anything you wish.

brenda morisse
Advanced Member
Username: moritric

Post Number: 1722
Registered: 04-2007
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 7:52 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dearest hermana, Please, dear swinka, stop pulling your hair out, it will give you a headache and if you already have a headache all the pulling makes the pain worse. You need to close your eyes and exhale and then inhale, don't forget the inhale part or you'll faint.
Unfortunately the foot massager will not work on the head. I think it would shake up your headache and then your brain would become scrambled brains. You're scrambled enough, hermana. You don't need to feel like an omelette. But I will pack the pleasant feet machine because it is very relaxing.
Also, don't open the door to hell. The heat from eternal damnation is enough to give anyone a headache, especially if they are like you and have the pulling out the hair problem.

Take it easy dearest hermana. Know that you are loved all the way to the sky and back.

love, love,
Fred Longworth
Senior Member
Username: sandiegopoet

Post Number: 3874
Registered: 05-2006
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 12:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

But, Brenda, if you don't specify "how high the moon" like in the song, poor ~M~ could be zooming all the way to the ionosphere and beyond, where (sadly) she would suffocate from lack of oxygen. And you -- you, my dear -- would be responsible for her demise.

Perhaps --

"Know that you are loved all the way to the sky and back, and that because we don't want you to turn blue you will be outfitted with an oxygen mask."

Unofficial Forum Pariah
recent victim of alien abduction
Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 29754
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 12:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dearest brendita and Freddie -- do I also get a parachute? Last time I jumped out of the sky without a parachute, I had to look for a bunch of trees to break my fall. Well, then I got stuck in one of the trees. I was caught by my underpants (you can only imagine how embarrassing that was). And then, well, they had to go find a ladder high enough for me to climb down, only nobody had one, so they had to call the fire department, and with all that noise the fire trucks make when they rush to an emergency, well, a big crowd gathered to see me hanging by my underpants. Next time I will not wear a skirt when I jump from the sky without a parachute. Which is, I think, the moral of the story. At least I did have underpants on. But I would prefer a parachute to bypass all this trouble.

Love, love,
tristan watts
Username: cementcoveredcherries

Post Number: 80
Registered: 04-2008
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 1:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Poor M,
I feel so terrible for you!
But, I was thinking after reading your foot massager comment! If it was a dual functioning foot soaker and massager, you could turn it into a shampoo machine and put it on your head. People have done a lot of crazy things in their lives. This could be one of them. My true suggestion buy a hand/foot paraffin wax machine and soak your feet in that. Then put on the little mittens to make them nice and soft. But, then the problem would be that they would be too soft. You would not want to return to work and that would be bad, because by then the IP address would have been fixed. Right?
Tristan Watts

"You will hardly know who I am or what I mean" ~ Walt Whitman
sue kay
Intermediate Member
Username: suekay

Post Number: 703
Registered: 11-2005
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 5:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Ok M, I swear I was reading along and my logical mind finished your sentence thus;

"Next time I will not wear underpants...." which seems sensible as the hangup was the pants. LOL.

Anyway, so grateful that the problem seems to have been identified, and those missing voices will rejoin us.

Now, soon Wild will be going dark, which since you were left hanging by your drawers seems a modest proposal after all. See ya on the other side.


Michael Reed Samford
Valued Member
Username: mikesamford

Post Number: 216
Registered: 03-2008
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 5:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Hay! ~M~ are you going to enter that “Fall from the sky” story in this week’s challenge?
Hope to help.
Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 29756
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 5:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dearest tristan -- absolutely right!! *Psssst -- does anybody know what tristan's talking about?*

Dearest sue -- now you see. This is what they call the surprise ending. Very useful, especially when you have these readers who are convinced they know what you're going to say. *grin* Yep, meet ya' on the dark side of the moon, baby. With the hanging judge. Wear your pearls.

Dearest Michael -- Ah, but I can't enter my own Challenges. Damn shame, isn't it? I'm sure this story is a real winner. *LOL*

tristan watts
Username: cementcoveredcherries

Post Number: 87
Registered: 04-2008
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 - 6:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Hi M,
Oooops! That was definitely a manic moment.
Hope your head is better. Now you know why I issued that cyclothymic warning last week.
Tristan Watts

"You will hardly know who I am or what I mean" ~ Walt Whitman
brenda morisse
Advanced Member
Username: moritric

Post Number: 1724
Registered: 04-2007
Posted on Monday, May 05, 2008 - 6:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Have we moved yet? I can't tell. Where's my detective hat? Am I there or here? Everything seems to be the same. My coffee cup is empty. The bodega downstairs is not another bodega downstairs. Did anyone need the parachute? I think that my hairdo changed. My birthday is still around the corner. The divorce papers are in the box. Hmm, yesterday it was raining...
tristan watts
Username: cementcoveredcherries

Post Number: 98
Registered: 04-2008
Posted on Monday, May 05, 2008 - 7:39 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Thanks for the laugh Brenda! I bungee jumped in this morning, my cord nearly broke!

(Message edited by cementcoveredcherries on May 05, 2008)

(Message edited by cementcoveredcherries on May 05, 2008)
Tristan Watts

"You will hardly know who I am or what I mean" ~ Walt Whitman
Helen Margaret Rees
Intermediate Member
Username: cinnamonbrandy

Post Number: 501
Registered: 09-2006
Posted on Wednesday, May 07, 2008 - 6:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

I'm soooo sorry about this.

May the fourth be with you.

Again. Sorry.
