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Rus Bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 419
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2008 - 4:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags blog

As we enter National Poetry Month, the number of news stories takes a quantum leap, this year like no other. The eleven articles in News at Eleven stood through the rigors of selection. Our first item is on Robert Hass winning the Pulitzer. This is followed by a story you will not want to miss, on Reed Whitemore, who was poetry consultant to the Library of Congress himself.

As we near the Beijing Olympics, and we see the protests going on in the news, poets enter the fray with their words. In News at Eleven, we hear from Nguyen Chi Thien. In our Great Regulars section, we hear again from Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama.

We have a new Great Regular this week, Belinda Subraman, who brings us her weekly interview podcasts. This week, another article by her is also in the Poetic Obituaries. And there is much to check out in that section too.

March IBPC results are in. But, you cannot find them on the IBPC pages of Web Del Sol. Technical problems have prevented Poetry & Poets in Rags from being posted there for the last three weeks as well. So here are the results as posted at Desert Moon Review: IBPC March 2008 winners: Judge Fleda Brown.

Congratulations to Criticalpoet.org on their near sweep. Brenda Levy Tate there has the first place poem with her "Carol for the Brokenhearted"; Carla Martin-Wood's "Bitch" took second, and an HM goes to "Bo-Peep Tunnel" by David Phillips. Other forums showing are: About Poetry Forum with Greg McNeill's "The Soul's Active Ingredients"; Pen Shells with the HMs "Remembering A City I Never Knew" by Don Schaeffer and "Corn Shy" by Kathleen Vibbert; Poets.org with "Love Through a Plate Glass Window" by Dave Rowley; and Wild Poetry Forum with M. E. Silverman's "The Season of Science".

And thanks to Fleda Brown for being such a great judge. She's attracted succinct comments from the poets such as "Fleda rocks!" and "Fleda is lovely" during her three month term.


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IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags

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