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Rus Bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 387
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2008 - 4:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

March 4th . . . or: March Forth?

We have some superb articles in News at Eleven, and terrific poetry and articles in Great Regulars, in a week that insists that we look at how poets have come to write some of their finest works. Besides these, I want to link into Poetry & Poets in Rags blog posts, for both our headliner in News at Eleven and the Fatima Bhutto piece in Great Regulars. I have found pertinent video of them that goes along with their articles, video of poets being pointed and abrupt, speaking above fear about political corruption around them.

Here is the Tenzin Tsundue post, about an important upcoming march to Tibet: News at Eleven: One initiator and participant. And here is Fatima's, and it is mostly in English, by the way: Great Regulars: "But in Pakistan, the situation looked quite different,".

We welcome a new Great Regular this week. Mary Karr has taken the Poet's Choice column at the Washington Post.

Also, in IBPC news, beginning next month, for April, May and June, the judge will be the remarkable Patricia Smith.


Our links:

IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags

Poetry & Poets in Rags blog

