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Rus Bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 378
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 - 8:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

Online poetry has never had a week of news like this week. The Great Regulars, several of whom are InterBoard Poetry Community judges, are taking headlines.

Frank Wilson, who brought both online poets and internet poetry to the world as books editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, has retired. We have his statements in Great Regulars. Other Great Regulars making statements on this development are Bryan Appleyard, John Freeman, and Bob Hoover.

Today, another of our Great Regulars, Jeff Baker, brings us a news item of a public Allen Ginsberg reading of "Howl" in Oregon that took place 52 years ago this month, and preceded his Berkeley reading by a month--and a second article, an interview with Gary Snyder who accompanied Ginsberg.

John Mark Eberhart, another Great Regular, has begun a remarkable poetry blog representing the heartland of America called Parachute. He is publishing poetry there, one of which is by another Great Regular, Denise Low, and plans to bring poetry by more state laureates to his readers.

The fourth article in News at Eleven is on a new book by former IBPC judge Peter Krok. Our first two articles, though, are on works by two Great Regulars: Garrison Keillor and Ted Kooser, who also bring their usual weekly publication of poetry in that section. Our headliner celebrates Valentines Day very nicely, and with audio links.

IBPC judge and Great Regular E. Ethelbert Miller has a new love poem for the occasion as well. My thanks and love go out him for the wonderful work he did judging this past fall. Taking his bench, is Fleda Brown, and her results for January are in.

Congratulations to Allen W. Weber for his poem "The Bottle Tree" taking first place for Desert Moon Review. Lois P. Jone's poem "Goose Step" took second for PenShells, and third went to The Town and Yolanda Calderon-Horn for her poem The Cardiologist Has a Word with Us. Two more terrific IBPC poets were represented with HMs: Guy Kettelhack, also of Desert Moon Review, and Sarah J. Sloat of Wild Poetry Forum for their poems "Come Back to the Raft Ag'in, Huck Honey!" and "Red Cap".

I would be remiss not to mention the blacked-out world, unrepresented on the web because of horrible and horrific judgment on the part of their "leaders". Links to two stories on this are 10th and 11th (The Back Page) in News at Eleven. Follow up this reading with the article Great Regular Luisetta Mudie has for us through Radio Free Asia.

I have been remiss these past three week in not mentioning new Great Regulars. The Atlantic Monthly has dropped their requirement that print-subscibers only may read the poetry they published online. I will link to them now. You can also find links to the poetry from Nextbook in Great Regulars (an article of theirs is in News at Eleven this week). And I am very pleased to announce that Michael Rosen, the children's laureate of Great Britain, is a Great Regular.


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