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Rus Bowden
Valued Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 266
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - 5:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

Tomorrow makes 4 years of Poetry & Poets in Rags. I started this by searching through the news, seeing what was out there one week, seeing if it made sense to use a search engine to come up with informative results. It worked. I posted links to the articles on both Melic's RoundTable and the Atlantic Monthly's Writers' Workshop, both great and former IBPC forums, and both now defunct. After a few weeks, Gina Bryson, the managing editor of the InterBoard Poetry Community, asked if she could publish the column in the Newswire section of the IBPC web pages at Web Del Sol. I hesitated on the commitment, got a similar offer from CE Chaffin of The Melic Review, and said "yes" to Gina.

This week, we begin with a superb Bill Moyers interview with Martín Espada, both the video and script. Then comes an article reporting that 100 Gabriela Mistral poems have been found. This is followed by the report of a lawsuit about Dorothy Parkers' 120 poems that were found. Then a lost poet is passed by everyday in Central Park.

But in News at Eleven, don't miss the Back Page. Meghan O'Rourke just got married. (Congratulations and best wishes!)

The InterBoard Poetry Community is still awaiting results from Maurya Simon for July's poems. I do not know if this has to do again with an e-mail issue on our part; a purposeful delay because of last month's delay; if Maurya simply is taking her time (which is fine); or something else or some combination.

Word is getting around, that a highly-esteemed poet has said "yes", that she will judge for the IBPC some time next year. It is her choice when. She may take a quarter stint, or she may decide to judge the POTY. So, if you get an e-mail about this great news, it is true (if not altered by the mill). Pass it on. I sent word to only one poetry confidante who posts at the forums, and said if she wanted to, she could tell one other, and so forth. As I said in that e-mail: pretty cool, pret-ty cool.

Okay, so just in case it does not come around to you, here's something else I said in that e-mail: "She was in Mark Doty's acknowledgements in Dog Years, and recently reviewed David Kirby's latest collection. So it seemed like a great circle is there that she was already in." This clue narrows it to one poet. If you know who it is, please, tell only one other, who may tell only one other--unless you receive an e-mail with the news, then you may tell another, as the e-mail states.


Our links:

IBPC: Poetry & Poets in Rags

Poetry & Poets in Rags blog


IBPC Newswire

Senior Member
Username: michaelv

Post Number: 552
Registered: 11-2003
Posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - 8:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Editor


on the 4th cyber anniversary,
and still going strong.

Yes, Thanks for not refusing Gina's IBPC/Newswire offer.

Your weekly is valuable component for us.


Michael (MV)

Rus Bowden
Valued Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 267
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 - 2:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Thanks, Michael! You're pretty valuable yourself.
Rus Bowden
Valued Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 268
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Thursday, July 26, 2007 - 4:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post


Who is the new, yet unannounced IBPC judge for 2008?

The clue that narrows it to one poet is in this week's Poetry & Poets in Rags announcement. Maybe, the best you can do with that clue is to go to your local library or bookstore, and open to the Acknowledgements page of Mark Doty's memoir Dog Years if you don't have it. Mark acknowledges four women. If you take each of those names, and Google search with "David Kirby", both names in quotations marks, you will find that when the unmentioned judge's name is paired with David's, over 1,000 results will turn up. Tuesday's clue, though, favored readers of Poetry & Poets in Rags articles, some of whom would know immediately who reviewed David's book.

Our mystery judge has been figured out at Desert Moon Review here:

IBPC Newswire: Poetry & Poets in Rags of July 24th. There too, you will see that Laurie Byro drew a new clue from me, and then dropped one of her own.

By the way, the question was asked, "Why all the circumlocution and mystery?" [note: ezBoard MBA]. I responded that we are having fun. But I can go a little deeper, because my thoughts are just a bit deeper than that. First, it's interesting to me that we can play a sort of rumor mill party game around the world online, sharing the same "room" or space. But also, these games can be bonding for a community, affirming ourselves with each other.

These shared activities can become fond memories to share with each other, and then others when the time passes. My graduate work was in Community Social Psychology. Thus, it is also my bent to bring the news to the community, the InterBoard Poetry Community, and now the greater poetry community. Poetry & Poets in Rags is another way we bond, through the common "ground" of the web.

Senior Member
Username: lauriette

Post Number: 1283
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Friday, July 27, 2007 - 10:24 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

I'll give another hint.

"Mark" figures primarily in her life, not only as Doty, but in another way. Um
I am reading her fantastic new book of fiction.


LJ Cohen
Username: ljc

Post Number: 7649
Registered: 07-2002
Posted on Friday, July 27, 2007 - 10:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

I did the google game as Russ suggests and found her name, but spilling it seems a little like cheating--like using the crossword dictionary to finish the puzzle.


But Laurie's clue is about Mark Twain.
Once in a Blue Muse Blog
Senior Member
Username: lauriette

Post Number: 1284
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Friday, July 27, 2007 - 3:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

yes about Mark Twain

doesn't anyone read poet's and writers?

We ordered a book because of it well before this idea gleamed in Rus's eye.

maybe I'm mixing my metaphors

Rus Bowden
Valued Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 269
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Friday, July 27, 2007 - 4:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post


Today, Lisa Cohen at Wild Poetry Forum figured out who our new judge is by the clues, using the Googling method. She then dropped a huge clue at that forum:

Wild Poetry Forum: Poetry & Poets in Rags....

If you figure out who it is, you may e-mail the news to one other online poet, who may e-mail one other, and so forth. Additionally, you may pass the news on if you get such an e-mail yourself.

Senior Member
Username: lauriette

Post Number: 1285
Registered: 04-2003
Posted on Saturday, July 28, 2007 - 6:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

someone else emailed me
who figured it out

like bringing down the horse

now we shall see what we shall see
