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Rus Bowden
Valued Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 258
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, July 03, 2007 - 7:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

We have many great surprises in all the sections of Poetry & Poets in Rags this week. What can we do for U Win Tin? This is our lead article. In Great Regulars, Sarah Crown is back, with her Poem of the Week series. We get to watch and listen to Frank Wilson in a new video series by him, Book Talk. I posted earlier today at the forums, about David Kirby's superb article. Some great poets from multiple continents are in Poetic Obituaries this week. There is a lot to discover.

June IBPC results have been in for at least days now, probably over a week, but they have not been distributed. There were weeks of delay in getting the poems to Bryan Appleyard, because of an e-mail problem. I was asked and became, for a short period of this time, an electronic go-between for IBPC and Bryan just a couple weeks ago, trying to help resolve the situation. With David Ayers' system crashing this past week, this has added to one of the longest delays ever in bringing the results of the monthly IBPC contest. Gina is still working diligently, and has been, to resolve all this, now working on compiling a list of board reps with their e-mails. The results, if she has all the titles matched to the winning poems yet, cannot go to one board without the others.

None of the delay time has anything to do with Bryan Appleyard. I have seen no conversation at the forums giving him any "blame"--(kudos to you all, and for your patience too)--but I feel the need to express thanks to him in his co-operation. He did not receive the poems until late in the month, when his schedule took him into an extremely busy time, a time when he had planned to have his stint already accomplished. He has come through wonderfully for us. He is a great friend. The results and his commentary are first rate. You'll see.

I also need to add, that some of the IBPC forums do not yet have the results posted of the annual competition judged by Mark Doty: esteemed and high profile, surely, but a man, poet, and now friend of ours with a great heart. Have you all received the e-mail? They were sent out weeks ago, and then a follow-up. It is important that these results are posted, and we all share in the celebration. This celebration, at all the forums, should be viewable by all who come to see what we are about. This is our best foot forward, something available for all surfers to see at any of the IBPC Community forums. We have come a long way, and are doing super work. Mark has done a wonderful service, joining us in online poetry. Let's celebrate him, along with the winning poems.


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