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Rus Bowden
Valued Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 252
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, June 05, 2007 - 6:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

Five-plus years ago, before Great Regulars drew many of our former headliners, someone came up with the idea of having a cutting-room floor addendum to Poetry & Poets in Rags. This week, that would be quite a good section. But I keep to eleven items in News at Eleven, and my selections have to do with how much the articles got into the depth of reading or writing a poem, how poetry applies to the world, and how the poets' lives are presented. We lead off with a remarkable essay by Kay Ryan that, I am sure you will agree, is required reading on the web.

We have more, more, more, on The Hay Festival from our good friend Sarah Crown in Great Regulars this week. Sarah is a former IBPC judge, as is both David Biespiel and Frank Wilson, who also have articles in Great Regulars. Following current judge Bryan Appleyard will come Maurya Simon to the IBPC bench. Maurya comes to us referred by Robert Pinsky, who also has an article in Great Regulars. These good people are all good friends of IBPC. Okay, so here's the teaser. You will find the judge who will follow Maurya Simon, in News at Eleven. In fact, somehow, he has found his way into our News at Eleven two or three other times in the last couple months.

Check out Poetic Obituaries, as some very important world poets have died. In the USA here, that means William Meredith. I try to select the best article out of what is web-published.

And we have a new Great Regular long overdue. Meghan O'Rourke, who we usually read in Slate, has an nifty article for us. Enjoy.


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