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Rus Bowden
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Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 4
Registered: 03-2007
Posted on Tuesday, April 03, 2007 - 8:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

Here in the USA, it is April, so it is National Poetry Month, brought to us by the American Academy of Poets. Our top two articles, both from American news sources, are all about this, with oodles of poetry within and more to follow. But, what better way to celebrate, than to go to Europe for our inspiration? More on this in a moment.

I first want to thank our judge Pascale Petit, for making her term superb for the InterBoard Poetry Community. Her March results are in, with her comments. As I write, all her months are represented on this page at About Poetry: InterBoard Poetry Competition Winners, 2007. Special congratulations to Laurie Byro, representing About Poetry, for her first place, her second in three months.

Also, special kudos to an entire forum! Inside the Writer’s Studio got a rare hat trick--all three of their entries either placing or receiving HMs. Dave Rowley from there snagged second place, and poets Adam Elgar and S. Jason Fraley both took HMs. Congrats guys! Rounding out the top three placers is Brenda Levy Tate of PenShells.

Our good friend and past IBPC judge, Sarah Crown from The Guardian newspaper, has decided to celebrate National Poetry month with us. She has an article on this in Great Regulars. The April question, then, is that as Pascale Petit, also from the UK, finishes her term, why not stay there? Poetry Europe online is great in April.

Here's a special pre-announcement for you readers of Poetry & Poets in Rags. Beginning his stint as our judge is the esteemed Sunday Times columnist, and terrific guy: Bryan Appleyard. I "met" him in the blogosphere through another of our past judges, The Philadelphia Inquirer's Frank Wilson. Check out Bryan's blog: Thought Experiments. And check out his selected articles. Readers of Poetry & Poets in Rags are familiar with his column.


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