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rus bowden
Intermediate Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 358
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - 4:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Aficionados,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

Long-overdue thanks to Cherilyn Ferroggiaro, the InterBoard Poetry Community's Assistant Editor, who was off line this past month. This situation created a snowball-to-avalanche effect of my appreciating the enormity of what she does for the IBPC poets at contest time. She receives the poems, strips them of their board and poet origins, and forwards them in a both poet-friendly and judge-friendly format for judging. I was asked to do help out around the 23rd, and Pascale Petit received the poems on the 24th.

Easy-peasy, right? Even though I mentally knocked on whatever wood was handy, that nothing else could go wrong, I know that three things did: (1) one poet had two poems get through (Laurie Byro, representing Desert Moon Review, who's poem "Wolf Dreams" won--her pre-specified choice, fortunately); (2) the name of a forum got through (Blueline Poetry, which sent in Flint Michigan by Stevie Jean Reed, which got an HM); and (3) I believe I technically formatted AnnMarie Eldon's 2nd-place poem Brrmm, representing MiPo's cafe' cafe' incorrectly. So the avalanche was dodged, but not without the peril.

My thanks go to Pascale Petit, not only for the superb and timely judging she has done, but for her good heart and patience. She is wonderful to work with. And congratulations to all the poets who made Pascale's list:

IBPC's Winning Poems.

I'll leave all the news in Poetry & Poets in Rags for your discovery. Each section should be perused by the true poetry aficionado. Thank you for clicking in.


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