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rus bowden
Valued Member
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 295
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 - 5:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Fans,

Today is Poetry & Poets in Rags 3rd Anniversary!

Poetry & Poets in Rags

Three years ago tonight, I posted links to 10 articles on poetry at The Atlantic Online's Writers' Workshop and The Melic Review's Roundtable. That was on a Friday. On the 29th, the following Tuesday, the one day I have off from work each week, I began the weekly posts, as I am doing tonight, but posting them on the two forums.

A couple weeks in, Gina Bryson, Managing Editor of the InterBoard Poetry Community, asked if I would like IBPC to carry it as a column in the Newswire section. I had to think about that, because that would mean commitment, and my job takes me away from home and family for 55-60+ hours a week. C.E. Chaffin, the Editor of The Melic Review, asked me the same a week or so later in the spirit that this should be out there. That pushed me into the commitment I have made to this project with the IBPC, a couple months in.

David Ayers, the IBPC President, put all the back issues from the forums up on the Newswire site, thinking they should all be archived. And today I am glad he did. Here are the first two from three years ago:

Archives: July 2003.

Some of the news links on that page still work. What's missing is the forum announcements of the past. The Atlantic posts stay online now for only 30 days, and the Melic forum, which is now off line, changed formats, starting from scratch a year or so ago. The original posts used to start with the editorial annoucement, followed directly by the ten articles, all in the same forum post. With IBPC, I began my service to the entire IBPCommunity, and began writing the editorial as an announcement to the members at all the IBPC forums, and linking to the column that David Ayers published where you find it now, here: IBPC Newswire: Poetry & Poets in Rags. Enough about me.

How about C.E. Chaffin! New to Great Regulars this week, is a poetry column with a poem at The Philadelphia Inquirer. And C.E.'s poem "Paradigms" starts us off.

Also, I must mention the new look over at Moontown Cafe. Great job!

Thanks for clicking in, some of you for the 155th time! (Yes, two weeks is all that was missed. One vacation week, and the first was when I had my heart attack in winter 2003). But that's the ensuing story, and enough about me. Thank you all, very very much.


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