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  Thread Started By Posts Pages Last Post
Self-Publishing?IRK07-22-05  11:56 am
Poets Gone Wild Press ReleaseM08-21-05  1:09 pm
Self-publishing package in UKZephyr11-27-05  7:10 am
Has Anyone Heard of Noble House?michael julius sotta02-18-06  11:08 am
Downloads Available in Connection with Wild Anthology~M~03-16-06  1:22 pm
Question about Fontsvalezar07-31-06  2:51 pm
Publishing a collection?LJ Cohen10 07-19-06  3:55 pm
Suggestions on a first Query LetterMontie Michelle Barb10 01-02-07  11:18 am
Submissions Etiquette~M~02-20-07  6:33 pm
Journals (Not) Accepting Workshopped Poems Jana Bouma05-24-07  11:39 am
How Do You Find Places to Submit?khadija anderson08-19-07  10:11 am
Just one questionMariah Wilson31 12-14-07  4:29 am
Publishing Advice from Experts~M~12-28-07  12:01 pm
Read, Read, Read . . . And Then Read Some More~M~26 02-18-08  1:03 pm
Talking with the Enemy -- Editors~M~02-04-08  12:40 pm
Publishing Rights~M~04-08-08  3:59 pm
Copyright IssuesFred Longworth51 04-16-08  10:37 am
So, You Wanna Publish Your Poetry . . .~M~06-14-08  2:53 am
Rejection IS Better Than Nothing~M~14 06-13-08  1:46 pm
Poetry Submissions: Formatting and Cover Letters~M~12 06-05-08  9:41 am
Submission Guidelines~M~11 06-12-08  10:24 am
More Info on Poetry Submission Cover Letters~M~07-09-08  4:05 pm
Submission Season~M~08-01-08  4:52 pm
Editorial Brain Picking -- Part I~M~24 09-15-08  11:51 am
Editorial Brain Picking -- Part II~M~09-12-08  8:01 am
Editorial Brain Picking -- Part III~M~09-17-08  3:55 pm
Editorial Brain Picking -- Part IV~M~09-18-08  7:38 am
Editorial Brain Picking -- Part V~M~09-29-08  12:11 pm
Editorial Brain Picking -- Part VI~M~09-29-08  12:21 pm
Editorial Brain Picking -- Part VII~M~09-29-08  12:27 pm
Take Their Advice . . . Or Not~M~09-17-08  4:09 pm
Ranking of Literary JournalsEmusing09-25-08  2:52 pm
Reputable E-zines and (Small) Mags?bob rojas10 09-25-08  2:40 pm
Is It Easier to Get Published Online Than in Print?~M~09-19-08  4:58 am
What Makes a Great Chapbook?~M~11-01-08  11:11 am
Publishing Tips from Chris Hamilton-EmeryEmusing35 10-29-08  3:36 pm
Where To Find Lists Of Poetry Journals To Submit ToAlicia Ellen Matheny10-27-08  8:04 am
A List of Small Presses Who Publish Poetry (Books/Chapbooks)~M~10 10-24-08  8:39 am
From The Poet's Market Newsletter -- 10/08/08~M~10-24-08  6:52 am
Chapbook ContestsEmusing02-26-09  7:02 pm
Publishing in the UKRichard M02-17-09  10:53 am
Vanity Publishing InformationKathy Paupore01-07-09  12:13 pm
Audio Poetry Ezines?Emusing03-25-09  9:54 am
Boring Bio Equals Bad Breath?Emusing17 03-24-09  11:09 am
How to Submit to Journals, Publications, etc?Matt Britton05-28-09  7:19 am
Tools and Strategies for Weathering No~M~05-05-09  6:28 am
Self-Publishing RecommendationsJennifer VanBuren07-10-09  4:17 pm
Authors' BiosRichard M26 07-09-09  9:32 pm
First Book ContestsJudy Thompson20 09-16-09  11:42 am
I Think This Falls into the Category of "Never Give Up Hope"M01-09-10  9:27 am
Question on Children's Publishing/Illustrationpam joseph01-05-10  6:21 am
A Question on SubmissionsDavid Dumais11 01-03-10  8:40 pm
Question: Online SubmissionsJennifer VanBuren01-01-10  8:29 pm
How Do You Select a Poetry Press?Borska02-28-10  7:40 pm
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