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rus bowden
Username: rusbowden

Post Number: 110
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 6:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post

Dear Poetry Fans,

Poetry & Poets in Rags

Welcome to another week of National Poetry Month in America. Even though I started this morning with a new record of 85 articles to pare down, I still say last week's was the biggest at 77, with it's many searches to boot. But I guarantee you another whopper. I'll let our headliner and back page articles speak for themselves this week.

Fourteen articles total, compared to last week's sixteen, when the usual poet's dozen is eleven. JB Mulligan pointed out that there were two "blocks" (he called them) of three last week, the ones on Cummings and Paglia (this instead of any special section--aha). This week, two of our articles are really two parts of the same one, so even with another whopper week, several excellent articles get cut, because they are not quite meaty enough, or seem too nit-picky or something after all, when stood up against the others.

Two of these late-cut articles came from our Michael Virga as well as my search. By the time he sent me the foetry.com one, and the Graham one from the NYT, I had already cut them today. But the third one he sent, the Pinsky one, I had searched for and didn't find. Thanks to MV, we have that final April installment from Slate. Also, thanks to Gary Blankenship for the Collins one from Slate. It showed on my search, but you never know, and he got it to me before the searching.

Two weeks in a row now, writers have sent URLs to their articles, one I had and one I didn't. Both are superb journalists (and good people from the e-mailing we've done)--no need to mention names. But fortunately, they both made the cut. Whew--it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

Note, they're not up front, but they are blocked together--several articles with whole poems in them. Enjoy.


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